
I am always on the look out for spectacular and original bottle tops. The individual designs between each bottletop contributes to this 'art within art' and I love the imagery concentrated into a circular space no more than an inch wide. Each different bottletop gives a picture within a picture adding a whole new layer of interest.

As a result, there is scope within commissioned pieces to make deeply personal artworks. The designs on each top tell to the story of their original place and purpose, where I collected them from and their connections to people in the finished work. This personal factor can be seen notably with tops I've collected, from regional areas, to national brands and the rarer and quirky international collection of bottle tops I am trying to build. 

Currently, I have bottletops from, (eternal thank yous to everyone who helps me with this) these countries: UK, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Bahamas and the United States.